5 Shows You Can’t Go Wrong With

CHEEK (AND OTHER STORIES) @ Undergroung Annex Theatre in Hollywood

1.  8.8 out of 10 –  A GREAT SHOW!!!!!!!!

Elevator @ The Coast Playhouse in West Hollywood 

2.  8.2 out of 10 – GOOD SHOW!!!


THE AMITYCODE @ Stephanie Feury Studio Theatre in Hollywood

3. 8.2 out 10 – GOOD SHOW!!!!


Under The Jello Mold @ The Complex Theatre in Hollywood

4. 8 out 10 – GOOD SHOW!!!!

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From our sister publication the Orange Curtain Review in Orange County. 

5. The Merchant of Venice @ STAGEStheatre in Fullerton

The Merchant of Venice @ STAGEStheatre in Fullerton – Review


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