Hollywood Fringe 2023: DETROIT @ ACTORS COMPANY – REVIEW

Ben and Mary are the idyllic all-American couple, except that Ben was just laid off and Mary might be an alcoholic. Sharon and Kenny want to be the idyllic all-American couple, but they just got out of rehab, and are renting a house with no furniture. The fledgling friendship between the two couples soon veers out of control, shattering the fragile hold that Ben & Mary have on their lives – with unexpected, fiery consequences. Directed by Vance Smith. Starring Allie-Rae Treharne, Tori La Desma, Alex Vergel, Steve Jacques, and Tony Pasqualini. Produced by The Last Acting Studio and Nothing Ever Happens Productions. Taken from the website.

8.5 Overall
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Great Show! LA Theatre Bites Recommended! June 23 – 24, 2023.

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