On the Road…Again: As We Know Them @ The Larking House – Review

Photo credit: Lizzy McCabe

Agnes Oyo has seen the end of the world. Discontent to wait for the inevitable end, she decides to do something about it: travel across the world, cataloging life in motion and interviewing as many people as she can in an effort to preserve Earth’s existence in the face of total annihilation. But, close on her heels is her child, Jordan Oyo, fearing for their mother’s safety and sanity. While Agnes interviews gas station attendants, restaurant staff, and love-lorn nomads, steadily recognizing the true terror she’s set in the hearts of some, Jordan struggles to coax her back home, trying in tandem and vain to echo their mother’s documentarian sensibilities. Source

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Above Average! Feb 8 – 10, Feb 15 -17,2024.

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