Shades of Disclosure @ Skylight Theatre in Loz Feliz – Review

(Photo by Ed Krieger)
Spanning from the 1988 display of the AIDS Memorial Quilt in Washington DC to the worldwide Women’s Marches, Shades of Disclosure illuminates the triumphant lives of real people whose personal stories have been forgotten or silenced.

Individuals, of varying stripes, relive their intimate and heartfelt histories while speaking to a sixteen-year old who, after bravely announcing her queerness, finds herself at a precarious turning point in American politics. In Shades of Disclosure, she discovers a band of mentors who tell it like it was, is, and how they hope it can be. Taken from the website

January 28 – February 25th 2017

Okay, but needs work.
6 Overall
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Set & Design5
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