weirdo or (make nice) @ The Larking House – Review

Photo credit: Matthew M Hayashi

No one on the playground likes Zealand. He’s always crying. He stinks. He’s just… weird. Everyone on the playground likes Abby. She’s going to be class president! She has so many friends! She’s just… perfect. But, when Abby is caught doing something she shouldn’t be doing, she must spend recess with the pariah of the playground and his wild imagination. When a game of House turns caustic, Abby must confront her assumptions about Zealand and the hurt she has caused all these years while Zealand must do everything he can to get what he truly wants and needs: a friend. Taken from the website.

March 16 – 19,2023. 

8.6 Overall
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Set & Design8.5
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Great Show! LA Theatre Bites Recommended!

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